Faculty Positions at Silchar :
Professor : 05 posts in various subjects
Associate Professor : 07 posts in various subjects
Teaching Positions at Diphu:
Professor : 05 poss in various subjects
Application Fee : Rs.1000/- to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Assam University, Silchar payable atUCO Bank, Silchar (Branch Code 2005) or State Bank of India, Silchar (Branch code 7061). Rs. 100/- as postal expenses to be paid by SC/ST/PWD category candidates.
How to Apply :
The filled in application form in prescribed format is to be submitted in a sealed cover super scribed with Post applied for with Advertisement no. etc. to The Registrar, Assam University, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Administrative, Building , Silchar–788011 on or before 08/05/2017. Since this is the rolling advertisement, applications received up to 08/05/2017 will be considered for the first phase of interview. Applications received after 08/05/2017 shall be considered for the next phase of interview.
Details and application format :
More information and application form available at http://www.aus.ac.in/emp-notice/final_teacher_recruitment_2017.pdf